If You Did Cpr in Middle School Do U Need to Get the Credit Again

COVID-19 and Concrete Education
Physical Education
Teacher Credentialing
Concrete Didactics Courses
Student Grades
Contained Study
Exemptions from Physical Educational activity
Environmental Factors
Athletic Insurance
Aquatics Didactics
Dressing and Lockers
Charter Schools and Physical Education
Physical Fitness Exam
Pupil Fees
Uniform Complaint Procedures

COVID-19 and Concrete Education


Executive Society N-56-20 addresses minimum physical education (PE) instructional minutes, PE course facilities, and the PFT during the state of emergency as a result of the threat of COVID-19. Specifically, the Executive Order External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF) related to PE states:

  1. The requirements specified in Educational activity Code sections 51210(a)(7), 51220(d), 51222, and 51223, related to minimum instructional minutes in physical educational activity for grades one-12 are waived, and the requirements specified in Pedagogy Code section 51241(b)(2), related to providing adequate facilities for physical education courses, are waived.
  2. Education Code section 60800, requiring each LEA maintaining whatsoever of grades 5, 7, and 9 to administer a physical fitness functioning test to each student in those grades, and Education Code sections 33352(b)(four) and (5), requiring the California Department of Didactics to collect data regarding the administration of the physical fitness exam, are waived for the 2019–20 school year.

Assembly Bill (AB) 856: Student health: COVID-xix Youth Health Data Act External link opens in new window or tab. addresses the safe return of pupils to exercise and concrete action later exhibiting signs or symptoms of, or testing positive for COVID-19.

Letter from Land Superintendent of Public Educational activity Tony Thurmond (coming presently)

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. During Executive Order N-56-20 due to the coronavirus, which waives the requirement of the PFT, are LEAs able to provide a temporary or permanent exemption from PE pursuant to California EC Section 51241(b)(1)?

EC Section 51241(b)(1) External link opens in new window or tab. states:

The governing board of a school district or the function of the canton superintendent of schools of a county, with the consent of a pupil, the authorisation to grant a pupil an exemption from courses in physical education for ii years someday during grades 10 to 12, inclusive, if the student has met satisfactorily at to the lowest degree five of the six standards of the physical functioning exam administrated in grade 9 pursuant to Section 60800.

If an LEA was non able to administer the PFT in grade nine to a pupil in the 2019–twenty schoolhouse year, the pupil will non be eligible for a PE exemption in the 2020–21 school year pursuant to EC 51241(b)(one).

Each governing lath of a school district or the office of the county superintendent of schools of an LEA will need to determine what activeness(s), if any, to take regarding its policy for providing exemptions pursuant to EC 51241(b)(ane) for the 2020–21 school year.

Note: Senate Bill 820 External link opens in new window or tab. continued the break of the PFT for the 2020-21 schoolhouse year. If an LEA was not able to administer the PFT in grade nine to a educatee in the 2020–21 school yr, the pupil will not be eligible for a PE exemption in the 2021–22 school twelvemonth pursuant to EC 51241(b)(1).

  1. During Executive Order North-56-20 due to the coronavirus and shift to distance learning, which waives the minimum instructional minutes in PE for grades one through twelve, are LEAs still required to provide PE education?

EC sections 51210(a)(7) External link opens in new window or tab. , 51220(d) External link opens in new window or tab. , 51222 External link opens in new window or tab. , and 51223 External link opens in new window or tab. , requiring minimum instructional minutes in PE for grades i through twelve, are waived.

Although the minimum instructional minutes for PE have been waived, PE requirements have not changed. LEAs will still be required to provide PE instruction and should provide distance learning options in alignment with local policy. Local policy will decide implementation of PE based on student need and access to resources. The California Department of Education (CDE) Resources that Support Distance Learning spider web page provides resource to assist LEAs in providing altitude learning for PE.

  1. What resources and guidance are available for the safe return of students to concrete action after exhibiting signs or symptoms of, or testing positive for COVID-19?

It is important to understand the risks for returning to exercise and concrete activity subsequently exhibiting signs or symptoms of, or testing positive for COVID-19. Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics varies according to the severity of COVID-19 symptoms the student experienced. Please visit the CDE COVID-19 Youth Health Information Human action Web page.

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Physical Educational activity

  1. What is PE?

PE teaches students how their bodies motion and how to perform a diversity of physical activities. Students learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to prefer a physically active, healthy lifestyle. The subject field provides learning experiences that meet the developmental needs of students. A standards-based PE program also provides an first-class opportunity to ensure that students develop positive social skills, cooperate with others, and accept responsibility for their own actions.

  1. Why is PE taught in California public schools?

PE contributes significantly to every student's health and well-being, and information technology is an instructional priority for California schools. Every pupil, regardless of inability, ethnicity, gender, native language, race, religion, or sexual orientation, is entitled to a high-quality PE program. PE is an integral part of the overall education plan for every student and provides one of the few opportunities students have to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to lead a physically active lifestyle. A high-quality PE plan promotes an active lifestyle, improved health, motor skill development, and better cognitive performance.

Daily PE for all students is recommended by numerous national associations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, the National Association for Country Boards of Didactics, the American University of Pediatrics, and the American Heart Association, and is noted in the Healthy People 2020 document.

Students who become skilled and knowledgeable in PE are more than likely to become salubrious adults who are motivated to remain healthy and physically active throughout their lives.

PE is a part of the coordinated school health system program. It is the component that addresses each student'southward cardinal demand for planned, sequential didactics that promotes lifelong physical activity and attitudes and behaviors that reduce health risks.

  1. What is the difference betwixt physical education and physical activity?

The terms physical instruction and concrete activeness are frequently used interchangeably, but they differ in important ways. Understanding the differences between the two is critical to understanding why both contribute to the development of good for you and active youths. Every student needs both a quality PE program and concrete activity program.

Physical education instructional programs provide students with the skills and noesis they need to establish and sustain physical activity as a key component of their lifestyle, equally children, adolescents, and adults. The PE model content standards adopted by the State Lath of Education involve five overarching standards in kindergarten through form eight and three overarching standards in grades nine through twelve, including viii required content areas that provide a developmentally appropriate, standards-based sequence of instruction. PE instruction provides students with essential skills and knowledge through a broadly-based curriculum that is historic period-appropriate and links learning experiences in a sequential and articulated fashion.

Concrete activeness is whatever bodily movement that is produced past the wrinkle of skeletal muscle and that essentially increases energy expenditure, including exercise, sport, dance, and other move forms. PE programs, recess periods, intramural sports programs, and able-bodied programs involve physical activity, but each serves a dissimilar purpose. Intramural sports and able-bodied programs provide opportunities for student learning but are not likely to plant loftier-quality, standards-based PE instruction.

Recess periods provide students with opportunities for unstructured physical activity time during the school day. These breaks from classroom activities may enhance participation and learning in the classroom, aside from the benefits gained from boosted concrete activeness.

Intramural sports programs provide opportunities for students to be physically active and apply PE learning outside of the curricular programme. In addition, intramural programs requite students opportunities to implement the skills and cognition gained in PE.

Able-bodied programs are essentially designed for youths who take special skills and would like to specialize in 1 or more sports. They provide students with the opportunities to refine their skills and compete with others of similar interests and abilities.

Physical activity may include recreational, fitness, and sport activities such every bit jumping rope, playing soccer, lifting weights, or participating in organized sports. National recommendations (such as the National Clan of Sport and Physical Instruction and The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, United States Department of Health and Human Services) urge schoolhouse-age children to accumulate at to the lowest degree 60 minutes, and up to several hours, of physical activity per 24-hour interval while avoiding prolonged periods of inactivity. Physical activity programs that students participate in outside of school are non the same as PE instructional programs. Such concrete activity programs typically provide opportunities for students to develop skills in a single area and are not intended to provide instruction in the essential content areas and standards of PE.

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Teacher Credentialing

  1. Who may provide instruction in PE to unproblematic, middle, and high school students?

"A instructor who is authorized for unmarried subject area didactics may be assigned, with his [or her] consent, to teach any subject in his [or her] authorized fields at whatever grade level; preschool; kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive; or in classes organized primarily for adults, and similarly, a instructor authorized for multiple bailiwick educational activity may exist assigned, with his [or her] consent, to teach in any self-contained classroom; preschool; kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive; or in classes organized primarily for adults; and similarly, a teacher authorized as a specialist teacher may exist assigned, with his [or her] consent, to teach in his [or her] surface area of specialization at whatever grade level; preschool; kindergarten and grades one to 12, inclusive; or in classes organized primarily for adults" (Pedagogy Code [EC] Section 44258). Other relevant ECdue south include EC sections 44256 through 44258.vii.

"The holder of a credential authorizing pedagogy in a self-contained classroom may teach in any of grades 5 to 8, inclusive, in a center schoolhouse, provided that he or she teaches two or more subjects for ii or more periods per day to the same group of pupils, and, in addition, may teach any of the subjects he or she already is teaching to a split group of pupils at the same course level every bit those pupils he or she already is teaching for an boosted period or periods, provided that the additional period or periods practice non exceed one-half of the instructor'due south total assignment" (EC Department 44258.1). Other relevant ECs include EC sections 44256 through 44258.vii.

""Single subject pedagogy" ways the practice of consignment of teachers and students to specified subject matter courses, as is commonly practiced in California high schools and virtually California inferior loftier schools. The holder of a single bailiwick pedagogy credential or a standard secondary credential or a special secondary didactics credential, as defined in this subdivision, who has completed 20 semester hours of coursework or 10 semester hours of upper partitioning or graduate coursework canonical by the commission at an accredited institution in whatsoever bailiwick commonly taught in grades vii to 12, inclusive, other than the discipline for which he or she is already certificated to teach, shall be eligible to take this field of study appear on the credential as an authorization to teach this subject" (EC Section 44256[a]). Other relevant ECs include EC sections 44256 through 44258.7. For questions regarding teacher credentialing, delight contact the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Assignment Unit at 916-322-5038 or by east-mail service at cawassignments@ctc.ca.gov.

  1. May an instructional aide or non-credentialed volunteer provide PE instruction?

No. Teaching must be provided by a instructor who holds an appropriate credential which permits him or her to deliver PE educational activity. Instructional aides may only assist the credentialed instructor (EC sections 45340 through 45349).

  1. May a teacher credentialed in another subject passenger vehicle a competitive sport for which students receive PE class credit?

Yes. "A person who holds a pedagogy credential in a subject or subjects other than physical education may be authorized by activity of the local governing board to jitney one period per 24-hour interval in a competitive sport for which students receive physical educational activity credit, provided that he or she is a full-time employee of the school commune and has completed a minimum of xx hours of first aid instruction appropriate for the specific sport" (EC Section 44258.7[b]).

  1. May a teacher credentialed in a bailiwick other than PE teach a PE course?

Yeah. "A instructor employed on a total-time ground who teaches kindergarten or whatever of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and who has special skills and preparation outside of his or her credential authorization may, with his or her consent, exist assigned to teach an constituent course in the area of the special skills or preparation, provided that the assignment is first canonical past a commission on assignments. For purposes of this subdivision, an "elective class" is a course other than English language, mathematics, science, or social studies" (EC Department 44258.seven[c]).

  1. Who is on the committee on assignments?

"The membership of the committee on assignments shall include an equal number of teachers, selected by teachers, and schoolhouse administrators, selected by school administrators" (EC Section 44258.vii[c]).

"Assignments approved past the committee on assignments shall be for a maximum of one school twelvemonth, merely may exist extended by action of the committee upon awarding by the schoolsite administrator and the affected teacher. All initial assignments or extensions shall be approved prior to the assignment or extension. Districts making assignments under this subdivision shall submit a plan to the county superintendent of schools…" (EC Section 44258.7[d]).

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Physical Education Courses

Elementary School

  1. What is the course of written report for grades i through six?

The pick of a course of report for grades one through vi, inclusive, is the responsibility of local governing boards of education. The course of study selected and implemented for PE, beginning in grade 1 and continuing through grade vi, must include didactics with an "accent upon the physical activities for the pupils that may be conducive to health and vigor of torso and heed, for a total period of time of non less than 200 minutes each x schooldays, exclusive of recesses and the dejeuner period" (EC Section 51210[a][vii]).

The California Department of Education (CDE) provides both the Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve and the Physical Instruction Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Course Twelve that information technology recommends local governing boards use to guide their choice of courses of report for PE programs. Both documents are bachelor on the CDE Curriculum and Instruction web folio.

  1. How many minutes of PE instruction must students in grades one through 6 receive?

Students in grades one through half dozen, inclusive, must exist provided with PE educational activity with an "emphasis upon the physical activities for the pupils that may be conducive to health and vigor of body and mind, for a total menstruum of time of not less than 200 minutes each 10 schooldays, exclusive of recesses and the lunch menstruation" (EC Section 51210[a][7]).

  1. What are the required instructional minutes for an elementary school maintaining any of grades i through eight?

If a school is identified equally an elementary school in the County-District-Schoolhouse code system, EC Department 51223(a) states that, "Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 51210 and 51222, educational activity in concrete education in an elementary schoolhouse maintaining any of grades one to viii shall exist for a total menses of time of not less than 200 minutes each ten schooldays, exclusive of recesses and the lunch catamenia."

Middle School and High School

  1. What is the course of written report for grades vii through twelve?

    EC Department 51220 states that, "The adopted course of study for grades vii to 12, inclusive, shall offering courses in the following areas of study: (d) Concrete education, with accent given to concrete activities that are conducive to health and to vigor of trunk and heed, every bit required past Department 51222."

  2. How many minutes of PE instruction must students in grades seven through twelve receive?

Notwithstanding EC Section 51223(a), "All pupils, except pupils excused or exempted pursuant to Section 51241, shall be required to attend upon the courses of physical pedagogy for a total period of time of not less than 400 minutes each 10 schooldays" (EC Section 51222[a]).

High School

  1. What are the state loftier school graduation requirements for PE?

The minimum requirement for graduation is 2 courses in PE. EC Department 51225.3(a) states, "A pupil shall complete all of the following while in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, in order to receive a diploma of graduation from high school: At to the lowest degree the following numbers of courses in the subjects specified, each grade having a elapsing of i twelvemonth, unless otherwise specified:" (EC Section 51225.three[a][1]) "Two courses in physical education, unless the pupil has been exempted pursuant to the provisions of this code" (EC Department 51225.iii[a][1][F]).

  1. What is the required grade content for high schoolhouse students enrolled in PE?

The grade of study adopted by local educational agencies (LEAs) must include PE for grades one through six, inclusive, (EC Section 51210[a][vii]) and for grades 7 through twelve, inclusive (EC Section 51220[d]). These statutes specify that the PE grade of study must include an emphasis upon those physical activities that may be "conducive to health and vigor of torso and listen."

EC Section 51220(d) and EC Section 33352(b)(7) together require that each LEA offers a course of study in PE for grades ix through twelve, inclusive, that includes a developmentally appropriate sequence of instruction in the eight required content areas over the bridge of the PE classes offered as part of the school's grade of report. The constabulary does not specify that every form must include educational activity in all eight areas, merely rather it speaks to a course of report over grades ix through twelve that includes all eight areas.

Along with EC Department 33352(b)(7), Title v of the California Code of Regulations (5 CCR) Section 10060(a) outlines the criteria upon which each school commune shall evaluate students in its course of study for high school PE. "The grade of study provides for instruction in a developmental sequence in each of the post-obit areas:

  1. Effects of physical activity upon dynamic health
  2. Mechanics of body movement
  3. Aquatics
  4. Gymnastics and tumbling
  5. Individual and dual sports
  6. Rhythms and dance
  7. Team sports
  8. Combatives." (5 CCR Department 10060[a])

In improver, the Concrete Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools, High School Courses One and Two, convey a course model that includes the topics listed above.

  1. Is at that place a particular requirement of course content in order for a course to be awarded PE credit? (as a part of a broader course of study in PE)

In making the determination of whether to laurels PE credit for any given activity or course, EC Section 51220(d) and EC Section 33352(b)(7) together crave that each LEA offers a course of study in PE for grades ix through twelve, inclusive, that includes instruction in the eight required content areas over the span of the PE courses offered every bit part of the school's class of study. The police does not specify that every grade must include didactics in all 8 areas, but rather it speaks to a class of report over grades nine through twelve that includes all eight areas. It is ultimately the obligation of each LEA to determine how each particular class, equally conducted in its district, supports its grade of study for grades nine through twelve. The class of study must include the eight required content areas and substantially run across the objectives and criteria of EC Department 33352(b)(vii) and 5 CCR Section 10060. While it is not required that every form for which PE course credit is given includes all eight areas, each LEA is required to construction its course offerings such that all areas are included over the course of study offered to all students.

In improver, information technology is important to note that EC Section 33352(b) requires each LEA to meet additional responsibilities should the LEA determine to award PE credit for a detail course. These responsibilities include the provision of minimum instructional minutes, various reporting requirements, and the assignment of an accordingly credentialed teacher.

  1. If high schoolhouse courses provide students with physical activity, merely do not meet the content requirements, can those courses be used to come across PE requirements?

It is ultimately the obligation of each LEA to determine how each particular class, every bit conducted in its district, supports its form of written report for grades nine through twelve, inclusive. The course of report must include the eight required content areas and essentially meet the objectives and criteria of EC Section 33352(b)(7) and 5 CCR Section 10060. While information technology is non required that every class for which PE course credit is given includes all eight areas, each LEA is required to construction its course offerings such that all areas are included over the grade of study offered to all students.

  1. May a student be granted PE course credit for participation in Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC)/Buck Corps?

Information technology is ultimately the obligation of each LEA to determine how each particular class, every bit conducted in its district, supports its course of written report for grades nine through twelve, inclusive. Whether JROTC/Buck Corps may exist awarded PE credit is the decision of the local governing board. In making this determination, the local lath may consider the district's course outline of the JROTC/Cadet Corps, the PE model content standards and framework, and the 2009 letter from the Superintendent of Public Didactics.

  1. May a pupil be granted PE course credit, or an exemption under EC Section 51242, for participation in marching ring?

It is ultimately the obligation of each LEA to make up one's mind how each particular grade, as conducted in its commune, supports its course of study for grades nine through twelve, inclusive. Whether marching band may be awarded PE credit is the decision of the local governing board. In making this decision, the local board may consider the district'south course outline of the marching ring, the visual and performing arts content standards and framework, the PE model content standards and framework, and the 2009 letter from the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

  1. Does a schoolhouse need to write specific policy regarding high schoolhouse graduation requirements for PE or should information technology but put the California EC into its local governing board policy?

The governing lath of a school district or the County Part of Educational activity superintendent of schools determines the local governing board policy. Local educational agencies should contact their legal counsel for additional assistance on this outcome. The California Schoolhouse Boards Association External link opens in new window or tab. website provides guidance to districts on establishing policies.

  1. What are the current PE consignment codes for the California Longitudinal Student Achievement Data Arrangement (CALPADS)?

The PE course codes for CALPADS can exist plant in the CALPADS Code Sets file, which is located on the CALPADS System Documentation web page. (Yous volition find the CALPADS Code Sets nether the "CALPADS File Specifications [CFS]" heading; the certificate is provided in Microsoft Excel format.)

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Educatee Grades

  1. Can a student's PE grade exist changed?

EC Section 49066 states in part:

(a) When grades are given for any course of educational activity taught in a school district, the class given to each educatee shall be the grade determined by the teacher of the course and the determination of the pupil'due south grade by the teacher, in the absenteeism of clerical or mechanical mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, shall be final.

(b) The governing board of the school commune and the superintendent of such district shall not order a pupil's grade to exist inverse unless the teacher who determined such grade is, to the extent practicable, given an opportunity to state orally, in writing, or both, the reasons for which such form was given and is, to the extent practicable, included in all discussions relating to the changing of such grade.

  1. Can a student neglect PE for non wearing standardized physical education dress?

EC Department 49066(c) states:

(c) No grade of a pupil participating in a physical education class, nonetheless, may exist adversely affected due to the fact that the pupil does not clothing standardized physical education dress where the failure to vesture such apparel arises from circumstances beyond the control of the pupil.

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Independent Study

  1. What is independent report (IS) in PE?

IS is a voluntary alternative instructional strategy for providing regular pedagogy. Students work independently, according to a written agreement, and under the general supervision of a credentialed teacher. Attendance in IS is based on the fourth dimension value of the pupil's work product, as adamant by the educatee's supervising teacher. Because IS is an alternative instructional strategy, non an alternative curriculum, students follow the aforementioned course of written report and meet the same academic standards as classroom-based students. IS students must adhere to EC sections 51222, 51225.3, 51241, and 60800, the latter requiring all students in grades five, 7, and nine to exist tested in the state's concrete performance exam (FITNESSGRAM®). Notation: IS is offered at the option of the district, and not all districts offer this culling instructional strategy.

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Exemptions from Concrete Pedagogy

  1. When discussing the requirements surrounding PE, what is meant past an exemption and what is meant past a waiver of EC?

A waiver speaks to the ability of the governing board of a LEA or county office of education (COE) to request, under EC Section 33050, the State Lath of Education to excuse the afflicted districts(s), county, and/or schoolhouse(s) from the requirements of a specific provision of EC or 5 CCR. The purpose of a waiver is to provide flexibility to the petitioning governing board, without undermining the basic intent of the law.

An exemption, for the purpose of PE, refers to a process by which a governing board of an LEA or the superintendent of a COE may excuse a item pupil from attending courses in PE if specified criteria are met.

  1. What exemptions are available under EC?
  1. Under EC Section 51241, there are three distinct and separate exemptions:
    1. Temporary:

      "The governing board of a schoolhouse commune or the part of the county superintendent of schools of a county may grant a temporary exemption to a student from courses in physical teaching, if the pupil is one of the following:

      • Ill or injured and a modified program to encounter the needs of the student cannot be provided.
      • Enrolled for half, or less, of the work normally required of total-time pupils" (EC Department 51241[a][i][2]).
    2. Two-year:

      "The governing board of a school district or the office of the canton superintendent of schools of a county, with the consent of a student, may grant a pupil an exemption from courses in physical education for two years someday during grades 10 to 12, inclusive, if the pupil has met satisfactorily at least five of the six standards of the concrete performance test administered in grade 9 pursuant to Section 60800" (EC Section 51241[b][one]).

    3. Permanent:

      "The governing board of a school district or the function of the county superintendent of a county may grant permanent exemption from courses in concrete education if the pupil complies with whatsoever one of the following:

      • Is xvi years of age or older and has been enrolled in grade 10 for one academic year or longer.
      • Is enrolled as a postgraduate pupil.
      • Is enrolled in a juvenile home, ranch, camp, or forestry camp school where pupils are scheduled for recreation and exercise pursuant to the requirements of Article 24 (commencing with Section 880) of Chapter ii of Part 1 of Partition 2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code" (EC Section 51241[c][1][ii][3]).
  2. Under EC Section 51242, "The governing board of a school district may exempt any 4-year or senior loftier school student from attending courses of physical education, if the pupil is engaged in a regular school-sponsored interscholastic athletic program carried on wholly or partially after regular school hours."
  3. Under EC Department 51222(a), "Any pupil may be excused from physical education classes during one of grades 10, 11, or 12 for not to exceed 24 clock hours in order to participate in auto driver training. Such pupil who is excused from physical education classes to enroll in driver training shall attend upon a minimum of 7,000 minutes of physical instruction teaching during such schoolhouse yr.
  4. Nether EC Department 52316, "Any pupil enrolled in grade 10, 11, or 12, and who is as well attending a regional occupational center or regional occupational programme may be excused from attending courses in concrete education by the governing board of the school district maintaining grade 10, 11, or 12, and in which the educatee is enrolled, if attendance upon such classes results in hardship because of travel time involved. If a pupil is excused from physical education classes pursuant to this section, the minimum schoolday for him [or her] in his [or her] regular high school is 180 minutes."
  5. Under EC Section 51246, "The governing board of a schoolhouse commune may exempt whatsoever pupil enrolled in his [or her] last semester or quarter, as the case may exist, of the 12th class who, pursuant to EC Section 46145 or 46147, is permitted to attend schoolhouse less than 240 or 180 minutes per day, from attending courses of physical education; provided, however, that such pupil may not be exempted pursuant to this section from attending courses of physical education if such pupil would, after such exemption, attend school for 240 minutes or more than per day."
  1. Who can exempt a student from PE?

The governing board of a school district or the office of the canton superintendent of schools of a county, equally specified in EC sections 51222, 51241, 51242, 52316, and 51246, can exempt a student from PE.

  1. Can a local governing board grant a permanent exemption to an entire course or grade bridge?

No. The exemption must be granted to each individual student and only if that student meets the provisions of EC Section 51241(c).

  1. If a school district requires two years of PE credits for its high school graduation requirements, has the district essentially invoked the ii-year PE exemption?

    No. The governing board of a school district or the office of the county superintendent of schools of a county may grant exemption to a student only if the requirements prepare forth in EC Department 51241(b) are met, including the consent of the private student. The district is required to offering courses in PE to those students who do not authorize for, or consent to, an exemption (EC sections 51222, 51241(a), 51241(c), 51242, 51246, 52316).

  1. Do all exemptions require the consent of the pupil? No. Exemptions that may be granted without the pupil's consent include EC sections 51222, 51241(a), 51241(c), 51242, 51246, and 52316.
  1. How did the passage of Senate Beak 78, Chapter 459, Statutes of 2003; SB 601, Affiliate 720, Statutes of 2007; and SB 602, Chapter 32, Statutes of 2008, impact exemptions under EC Department 51241?

These 3 bills affected only the "Ii-Twelvemonth Exemption" (EC Department 51241[b]), not the Temporary Exemption or Permanent Exemption. Students who began class 9 on or after July 1, 2007, are affected by the law.

  1. How does EC Section 51241(b) define passing for the purpose of the Two-Year Exemption?

For the purpose of the Ii-Yr Exemption from high school PE courses, a educatee has passed the physical functioning test if the student has met satisfactorily at to the lowest degree v of the six standards. A student has satisfactorily met the standards of the FITNESSGRAM® if the student performs within the Healthy Fitness Zone in at least v of the six areas.

Districts must go on to offering students who are exempted under relevant EC a diverseness of elective PE courses for not less than 400 minutes each ten schooldays (EC sections 33352[b][6], 51222[b]).

  1. What PE courses shall exist available for high school students who accept been exempted from two years of PE?

"The governing board of each school district that maintains a loftier school and that elects to exempt pupils from required attendance in concrete education courses pursuant to paragraph (1) or (two) or both of subdivision (b) of Section 51241 shall offer those pupils so exempted a diversity of elective physical education courses of not less than 400 minutes each 10 schooldays" (EC Section 51222[b]).

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Environmental Factors

  1. When should PE didactics be modified or moved indoors due to ecology factors?

Because of California'southward various climate conditions, these decisions are best fabricated past local educational agencies, frequently with the aid of other local agencies that monitor air quality and atmospheric condition. Unhealthy air quality, farthermost temperatures, loftier winds, etc. may present weather where information technology is appropriate to change activity levels or move PE instruction indoors.

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2017 Alphabetic character from former SSPI Tom Torlakson regarding Temporary Athletic Team Jitney Certification.

  1. What is a temporary athletic team coach?

A "temporary able-bodied squad motorcoach" is a certificated or non-certificated employee, other than a substitute employee, hired to supervise or instruct interscholastic able-bodied activities every bit a temporary employee in a limited assignment capacity. The term is applicable to a certificated employee who supervises or instructs interscholastic athletic activities in addition to his or her regular assignment.

  1. What are the certification requirements of a temporary athletic team coach?

In accordance with 5 CCR Section 5593, any person serving at any grade level equally a temporary athletic team passenger vehicle must be certified by his or her district to be knowledgeable and competent in the areas of:

  1. Care and prevention of athletic injuries, basic beginning assist, and emergency procedures;
  2. Coaching techniques;
  3. Rules and regulations in the athletic activity being coached; and
  4. Child or adolescent psychology, whichever is appropriate to the class level of the involved sports activity.
  1. How do local boards of pedagogy certify their temporary athletic team coaches?

Championship 5 CCR Department 5594 states, "At the first regular board coming together or inside 30 days after selection of a temporary athletic team coach, whichever is sooner, the district superintendent shall certify to the local lath of trustees that the provisions in department 5593 have been met. The board shall, past April 1 of each year, certify to the State Lath of Instruction that the provisions of section 5593 have been met. Said certification form shall be prescribed by the California Department of Education."

Districts may transport a letter that includes the post-obit information:

  • Commune name
  • School twelvemonth of the Temporary Athletic Team Motorcoach Document
  • Proper name of the person signing for the local board
  • Signature of the person signing for the local lath
  • Date signed
  • Statement that the local board certifies that the atmospheric condition of v CCR Section 5593 have been met

Or, districts may use the Temporary Able-bodied Squad Bus Certification form (PDF) provided past the CDE.

Please postal service signed Certification to:

State Board of Educational activity/California Department of Instruction
Attn: Temporary Able-bodied Team Charabanc Certificate
Standards Implementation Support Office
1430 Due north Street, Suite 4309
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901

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Able-bodied Insurance

  1. What is AB 2684 (Affiliate 108, Statutes of 2006)?

AB 2684 amended EC Section 32221.five requiring local educational agencies with interscholastic teams to send data to parents via a prescribed statement:

"Under land police, school districts are required to ensure that all members of school able-bodied teams have accidental injury insurance that covers medical and hospital expenses. This insurance requirement can be met by the schoolhouse district offering insurance or other wellness benefits that encompass medical and hospital expenses.

Some pupils may authorize to enroll in no-cost or low-cost local, land, or federally-sponsored health insurance programs. Information near these programs may be obtained by calling 1-800-880-5305.

The argument described in subdivision (a) shall also exist incorporated into whatsoever other letters or printed materials, in boldface type of prominent size, that comprise the name or logo, or both, of the school district and are sent to members of school able-bodied teams to inform them of the provisions of this article, or whatever other applicative provision of state police, regarding the provision of insurance protection" (EC Section 32221.5[a][b]).

  1. The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) has rules and regulations which listing approved regular athletic activities. If a schoolhouse has athletic teams participating in CIF-sanctioned competitions, is it then interpreted that it has entered into a voluntary association with the CIF and that the CIF should exist the determining gene for what defines a "regular school-sponsored interscholastic able-bodied program" for that school district?

School districts that have joined the CIF are bound by their rules and regulations, as they apply to the grooming for and participation in athletic competitions between schools. However, while the definition that governs the CIF may exist helpful in determining whether an activity is a "regular schoolhouse-sponsored interscholastic able-bodied plan," as defined in EC Section 51242, it is not definitive. At that place are potentially interscholastic athletic events that are non included in CIF's agreements and are therefore left to individual districts or schools to negotiate the rules of competition. The purpose of EC Section 51242 is to exempt a pupil from courses in physical education because he or she is participating in a substitute physical pedagogy program. In that location is no clear limit on these programs, nor any dominance of the CIF to influence curriculum offered in California'southward public schools. Therefore, CIF's definition of "regular school-sponsored interscholastic able-bodied plan" may not exist the sole gene in determining what is a regular interscholastic athletic program for that school or district.

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Aquatics Pedagogy

  1. If a school site does not have a pool or access to a pool, is aquatics pedagogy required to be provided equally part of the viii required content areas of high school PE teaching?

Yep. If the school site does not have a pool or admission to a pool, aquatics can yet be taught. Instruction can be provided on water condom rescue techniques, dry-state strokes, kick exercise, and buoyancy principles. (Encounter Chapter iv of the Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools.)

  1. May students be charged whatever fees for accessing pool facilities off site?

No. Local educational agencies may not charge student fees. Students are entitled to a free public education per Commodity 9, Section 5 of the 1849 California Constitution which states, "The Legislature shall provide for a system of mutual schools by which a free school shall be kept upwardly and supported in each district at to the lowest degree six months in every year, after the first twelvemonth in which a school has been established."

In add-on, 5 CCR Department 350 states, "A pupil enrolled in a school shall not exist required to pay whatever fee, deposit, or other charge not specifically authorized past law."

  1. When teachers provide instruction in aquatics, what kind of certifications must they agree?

California Health and Safety Lawmaking Section 116033 requires that anyone "providing aquatic didactics, including, but not limited to, swimming education, water safety instruction, h2o contact activities, and competitive aquatic sports, at a public pond pool shall possess current certificates from an American Cerise Cantankerous or YMCA of the U.Due south.A. lifeguard training plan, or have equivalent qualifications…In addition, these persons shall be certified in standard first help and cardiopulmonary resuscitation."

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Dressing and Lockers

  1. Must a district require students to change clothes for PE didactics?

This is a conclusion of the school district. Each LEA needs to found a PE dress policy for its commune. It is appropriate for students to alter their clothes for hygiene, safety, and motility efficiency purposes.

  1. May a student's grade be affected if the student does not wearable standardized PE apparel?

EC Section 49066(c) states that a student'southward class cannot be adversely affected if the failure to wear advisable apparel arises from circumstances across the control of the student.

  1. Must a district provide locker room facilities for student apply?

EC does not address requirements for schools to build or utilize locker room facilities for pupil use. Students should be provided with appropriate locations to change their clothes for concrete activity.

  1. Is supervision required while students are in locker rooms?

Yes. Locker rooms must be supervised by a schoolhouse staff member. Locker rooms should be safe and clean, and provide privacy. All measures should be taken to provide an appropriate location. School districts and schools are responsible for decisions related to supervising locker rooms.

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Lease Schools and Physical Education

  1. Practice charter schools have to offer PE?

Charter schools are required to provide PE consistent with their individual charters. If the charter schoolhouse does have PE included in its lease, and then it is required to provide PE consistent with the lease, fifty-fifty if that exceeds the EC requirements for non-charter schools.

  1. Does a charter school have to administer the PFT?

Yes. All charter schools, whether they have PE included in the charter or not, must administer the PFT to all students in grades 5, 7, and 9 equally required by EC Section 60800 and 5 CCR Section 1040.

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Physical Fettle Exam

  1. What is the California physical fitness examination (PFT)?

Public schoolhouse students in grades v, seven, and ix are required to take the PFT during the months of February, March, Apr, or May, whether or not they are enrolled in a PE form or participate in a block schedule. These students include those enrolled in elementary, high, and unified school districts, county offices of education, and lease schools. School districts should likewise test all students in alternative programs, including, only not limited to, continuation schools, independent report, community 24-hour interval schools, county community schools, and non-public schools. Students who are physically unable to take the entire test battery are to be given every bit much of the exam equally weather condition permit (EC Section 60800; 5 CCR Section 1041). For more information on the PFT, visit the CDE physical fettle test web page.

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Pupil Fees

A educatee enrolled in a public school shall not be required to pay a pupil fee for participation in an educational activity. All supplies, materials, and equipment needed to participate in educational activities shall exist provided to pupils free of charge (ECsections 49010-49014).

  1. If a pupil has non reimbursed the school for a lost PE lock and/or PE uniform, tin the schoolhouse prohibit the student from attending or participating in school activities?

No. Per EC Section 49014(b), a public school or school commune shall non, considering of a debt owed to the public schoolhouse or school commune, take negative activeness against a pupil or former pupil, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(i) Denying full credit for any assignments for a class.

(2) Denying total and equal participation in classroom action.

(iii) Denying access to on-campus educational facilities, including, only not limited to, the library.

(4) Denying or withholding grades or transcripts.

(5) Denying or withholding a diploma.

(6) Limiting or barring participation in an extracurricular activeness, order, or sport.

(7) Limiting or excluding from participation in an educational activity, field trip, or schoolhouse ceremony.

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Uniform Complaint Procedures

  1. Is PE bailiwick to the UCP complaint process?

Yes, PE and educatee fees are bailiwick to the compatible complaint procedure.

  • A complaint may be filed with the local school commune if the minimum PE Instructional Minutes are non being provided per EC sections 51210, 51220, 51222 and 51223. Requirements for PE instructional minutes are the post-obit:
    • Elementary schools and schools with grades one through viii, inclusive, must provide a minimum of 200 PE instructional minutes to pupils each 10 schoolhouse days excluding recesses and lunch time.
    • Secondary schools with grades seven through twelve, inclusive, must provide a minimum of 400 PE instructional minutes to pupils each ten schoolhouse days.
  • Pupil Fees that apply to PE. (EC sections 49010–49011)

For more data on UCP, visit the CDE UCP web page.

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Questions: Professional person Learning Support & Monitoring Role | plsmo@cde.ca.gov | 916-323-5847

Last Reviewed: Thursday, August 26, 2021


Source: https://www.cde.ca.gov/pd/ca/pe/physeducfaqs.asp

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